
Susie's Page

Hello there. My name's Susie and I'm top cat around here (well, I think I am anyway). I've come to love my humans over the years, even if I don't show it very often. I don't remember much about my life before Mummy-Human and Daddy-Human brought me here, but I do remember that I had some humans before I lived here who couldn't look after me when they had to move. They took me to a nice lady-human who looked after me for a while, then I was taken to a place called the "Cats Protection League". A nice lady-human there looked after me, but then I had an operation - and they shaved some of my lovely fur off! I didn't have all that much to start with - I have a flea allergy which means my fur comes out. It's all better now though - Mummy-Human and Daddy-Human look after me and make sure I don't have fleas so I don't have to be bald!

Me & Daddy-Human on the day we metThe first time I saw my new humans was in the hut at Cats Protection League. I had been given a room of my very own, and I had everything I needed, even a nice warm heating pad and a fleecy blanket to hide under. I heard some noises outside and then heard three humans come in the hut. I knew the nice lady-human, but I didn't know the other two. I waited a few seconds, then popped my head out from under my fleecy blanket to find two strange humans looking at me. I liked them straight away, and knew I wanted them to be MY humans. So I purred and purred and head-bumped them to let them know I liked them. The new lady-human said "We have to take her, she's so pretty" and I knew I'd found myself a new home.

I was quite thin and still a bit weak from my operation, and I didn't have very much fur to keep me warm, so my new Mummy-Human and Daddy-Human bought me lots of presents like a new cat basket and quilt to keep me warm. They bought me lots of toys, and all the food that I like. It was strange coming to a new house, but I soon made it my own and put my scent on everything.

Me in my favourite spot on top of the gas fireI settled in, and kept Mummy-Human and Daddy-Human company on the long, dark winter nights. Then summer came, and I could enjoy the warm evenings outside. But, there was trouble looming. Mummy-Human and Daddy-Human decided that they wanted another cat. They told me all about it, but didn't seem to understand when I told them I didn't want a little kitten running around the place. They just went ahead and found one. We didn't get on at first. Cari (that's her name, short for Cariad) spent the first few suntimes and darktimes in a special place Mummy-Human and Daddy-Human made for her. This was ok. I could stand near it and hiss and spit at it. But when Cari came out of that special place and into MY house I didn't like it. We fought like cat and... cat, I suppose. I'm a very quiet cat, I don't speak very much, but Cari... oh, she's SO noisy, especially when Mummy-Human or Daddy-Human are making food for us.

Everything's ok between us now. We get on a lot better, and I usually let her take first turn at the food. After all, she is a growing girl. We often snuggle up on Mummy-Human and Daddy-Human's bed too, especially after Daddy-Human has gone to work. It is usually nice and warm.

All in all, it's a good life for a cat. I'm healthy now, and I've put on weight, but I'm still as sleek and slinky as a beautiful cat should be.

Me on Mummy & Daddy-Human's bedOh yes - mustn't forget about the other Human who lives in the house - Matthew-Human. I love Matthew-Human lots, and often sleep on his bed if he's away from home. The only problem is he leaves his dirty socks on the floor - not nice for sensitive kitty noses!

Well, that's enough for now. Except to say I had a good kitty chuckle this morning - Cari tried to copy me and jumped up on the loo to get on the windowsill. She missed. She fell down the loo and got her back legs and bottom wet! She's still a little bit little to do ALL the things I can do....

You can e-mail me at

See you soon!

> ^,,^ <

PS Matthew-Human has just read this page and he promises never to leave his smelly socks on the floor again so my nose doesn't have to suffer... I might just have to take up residence in his room now - he's got so many interesting things to sniff and play with...