
Sniffy's Page

Sniffy at 6 months oldHello, my name is Sniffy. I came to live with Robert and Sandra just before Christmas 2001. My original human (Reg) moved house to a different area, and couldn't take me with him. Luckily, he found me a nice home to go to, and I'm very comfortable here.

As you can see from my photos, I'm a tabby cat. Sandra says I've got very beautiful eyes, what do you think?

I like living with two other cats, we all get on pretty well. I'm quite placid, and even though Cari hissed and spat at me a bit when we first met we get on ok now. Cari likes to head-bump me when I'm least expecting it! Sniffy and "Mr Goldfish"

The main reason why I like living with two other cats is the food... the other two like small meals, but I like 'em large. Sandra and Robert noticed this and started giving me a bit less - so now I just go around and hoover up whatever the other two leave! I am getting a little bit more rotund than I'd like, so Robert and Sandra have agreed to play with me more, and they run around the garden with me with my favourite toy (Mr Goldfish).

Well, it's time to go and settle on the humans' big bed now, so I'll end with my e-mail address for anyone who would like to mail me. Love and purrs....

The End

The End!